Stamford Periodontics & Implant Center

Dental Implants Are Not Risky For Diabetic Patients Anymore

A new research study by the University of Sevilla reveals that dental implants no longer pose a risk to the health of patients with diabetes. For patients with diabetes dental health is key, and there are a high percentage of patients who happened to discover their diabetes in dental clinics. 

A recent study developed by doctors at the University of Seville reveals that, from now on, dental implants can be used in diabetes patients without risk to their health. The results of the research show that treatments with titanium dental implants and zirconium alloy with bioactive surface are the ones to offer more benefits to most patients with diabetes. For the World Diabetes Day, this is a great breakthrough, since diabetes is one of the most studied diseases in the world today as two out of ten adults suffer from this disease, a figure that increases to the double in the case of people around 60 years old.

People with diabetes suffer from various limitations throughout their lives. In fact, patients with diabetes can have certain risk situations in the treatment of dental implants, such as infections both around the teeth (periodontitis) or the implant (peri implantitis), in which the diabetes just make the healing process a lot more difficult. Further, the risk increases in those cases where the person does not know if they have the disease or who don’t have it properly under control.

Professor Guillermo Machuca, one of the coordinators of the study, explains that “diabetes creates a problem when it comes to wound-healing in patients suffering from this disease”. That’s why it was traditionally believed that this group of patients could be at risk demographic for a classic tooth implant procedure.

The study was developed through the integrated Master of Dentistry in Adults and Special Patients at the University of Sevilla and now has the cooperation of the Straumann dental implantology company. The results showed 100% success rate of the titanium-zirconium implants used in the study. In addition, survival is the same for both diabetes patients and for healthy patients, says Professor Jose J. Cabrera, one of the responsible for the investigation.

The research had the collaboration of 30 patients, half diabetic and half healthy, and was conducted throughout a period of over two years; six months of evaluation and placement of implants and a two year follow-up with standardized radiographs to evaluate marginal bone loss and measure glycemic control of patients over time.

“For the treatment to be 100% effective, patients must have a clinical follow-up on the hands of a specialist and follow specific guidelines regarding post implantation oral hygiene. In addition to appropriate control of their blood sugar,” says Professor Machuca.

These results are good news for diabetic patients, as this scientific breakthrough in dental implantology will bring significant benefits and advantages to your health. Thanks to these results with the titanium-zirconium alloy, a dental implant could be available for anyone without restrictions.

Here at Stamford Periodontics, we are pleased to provide the highest quality of periodontal treatment to Fairfield County through our expert dental implants Fairfield County, CT,  implant dentistry Fairfield County, CT, tooth implants Fairfield County, CT, and also Greenwich, New Canaan, Darien, Westport, Fairfield, Norwalk, Wilton, and Ridgefield. Make your appointment today at 203.252.2252.

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